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Article cité :

Characterisation of hydride formation in as-built and heat treated laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V

Liesbet Deconinck, Tom Depover and Kim Verbeken
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 972 172859 (2024)

Impact of plastic strain amplitude on the cyclic behavior of commercially pure titanium grade 2

L.C.M. Moreira, A. Radi, A. Oudriss, C. Berziou, S. Cohendoz, G. Lotte, S. Frappart, A. Mathis, T. Millot, J. Bouhattate and X. Feaugas
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The mechanism of hydride formation during electrochemical hydrogen charging of Ti–6Al–4V

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First-principles study of diffusion and interactions of vacancies and hydrogen in hcp-titanium

Damien Connétable, Julitte Huez, Éric Andrieu and Claude Mijoule
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (40) 405401 (2011)